On this page you will find important information relating to your presentation within the official program.
Important notice: please ensure that you read and understand the relevant code of conduct below. It is expected that all speakers and chairpersons adhere to these during the congress.
Use this handy checklist when preparing your presentation.
Prepare your presentation by using the guidelines. Ensure you have read and understood the code of conduct as outlined below.
➤ Go to guidelines for oral presentations
➤ Go to guidelines for poster presentations
Download templates for your presentation
➤ Download oral template for PowerPoint (.pptx)
➤ Download poster template for PowerPoint (.pptx)
Upload your presentation. Oral presentations to be uploaded onsite at speaker preparation room.
➤ Upload poster presentation
Deadline: Friday 10 February 2023
This information is for all oral presentations. These guidelines include instructions on how to prepare your presentation.
It is important that you read and understand these guidelines while preparing your presentation.
It is recommended that all oral presenters use the official presentation template (see “Checklist & Deadlines”) when preparing their presentation.
This template is already in the 16:9 ratio for you.
Instructional course presentations please note:
When preparing your presentation for your instructional course – ensure it is short, sharp and a “how I do it” approach to the topic/technique you are showcasing.
These are not meant to be lecture style presentations – but more of an informative “my approach/how I do it” forum to exchange ideas!
Please refer to your notification letter for your presentation length.
All users of Mac (Apple) hardware need to ensure before they leave home that the files are compatible with PC hardware. It is expected that presenters will use Microsoft.
Other compatible software includes:
Please let us know immediately if you use a Mac (Apple) system.
If you have movies or sound files in the PowerPoint presentation please embed them and test that they work correctly in presentation mode.
To ensure a complete and effective presentation every time here’s what to do:
All speakers are required to pre-load their presentations at the speakers preparation room at least 3 hours prior to their session commencing.
All presentations will be networked to the presentation rooms; therefore you need to ensure your presentation is loaded prior to your speaking time.
It will not be possible to use your own laptop or USB for your presentation.
Your presentation will be given live, in-person. Questions from the audience will be moderated by the session chair and distributed verbally to speakers.
You are required to be available for the duration of your session and to participate in the live Q&A.
Please check in at the speakers preparation room well in advance of your presentation (at least 3 hours prior to your session commencement).
Your presentation will be checked, then loaded onto the network, and will be available in your assigned session room.
Speaker preparation opening times
Wednesday 8 March – closed
Thursday 9 March – 0800 – 1700 hours
Friday 10 March – 0730 – 1700 hours
Saturday 11 March – 0730 – 1700 hours
Sunday 12 March – 0730 – 1330 hours
Please follow the below checklist to ensure you are ready for your presentation!
Speaker Code of Conduct
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lectus neque, laoreet nec sapien in, laoreet iaculis justo. Vestibulum ullamcorper nisi arcu, at blandit ligula egestas sit amet. Phasellus sed volutpat est. Suspendisse dignissim, diam ac maximus interdum, erat massa semper felis, vel vulputate magna leo vitae erat. Mauris a sodales augue. Nunc vitae convallis orci. Maecenas sapien elit, rutrum non elit ac, vestibulum sodales massa. Donec in lorem nulla. Suspendisse vitae odio tellus. Ut non ligula ac tortor pharetra porttitor nec nec neque. Nulla vestibulum venenatis condimentum. Ut sodales ac quam sed mollis. Donec a condimentum lectus. Quisque vel nibh placerat, hendrerit massa non, congue erat.
Ut finibus lorem id hendrerit eleifend. Cras dapibus vehicula efficitur. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce at blandit augue. Sed sed convallis ex, vel gravida elit. Proin auctor eleifend tincidunt. Sed rhoncus ut tortor sed aliquet. Nullam semper a lectus eu ultrices. Suspendisse vitae dui eget turpis sollicitudin ultricies quis sit amet nulla.
This information is for all main program session chairpersons. These guidelines include instructions on how to prepare and manage your assigned sessions.
There will be both in-person and virtual delegates therefore it is important to note what you should do to engage both audiences.
The session room will be setup and ready for your session when you arrive. At the front of the room there will be a head table for two.
The chairpersons will sit at the head table and manage the session from there. From the stage, the chairpersons will see a foldback monitor in front of them which will show what is on the screen – the PowerPoint presentation and anything that is taking place on the projector screen behind them. You will not need to turn your head to see the content.
Speakers in the session should sit in the front row where the reserved signs will be located and will come up to the lectern to present/answer questions.
In all session rooms, there will be an AV technician who will be able to answer any questions you may have.
There will also be an AO ORL-HNS representative available between the different concurrent rooms to assist.
Questions from the audience will be collected via the virtual platform.
It is the chairperson’s responsibility to ensure that they are checking the virtual platform for any questions asked.
Chairpersons will have access to a tablet to assist with their role during the session. This tablet will show the following information:
Your tablet will be connected to the internet and any updates to your session will automatically be made on your tablet – it will be important to refresh this regularly.
The speakers will not be able to see the questions, so please read the questions out and direct to the appropriate speaker.
Important note: if an in-person audience member calls out a question whilst seated, you must repeat the question so that the virtual audience can hear the question. Virtual delegates and speakers will only hear what is coming through a microphone, please remember this when Q&A is in progress.
The chairperson is expected to manage the session, and this includes but is not limited to the following actions:
As AO ORL-HNS 2023 is a hybrid congress – it is important when chairing your session that you acknowledge both the virtual and in-person participants. Try to make the session inclusive of everyone attending.
For example, when welcoming everyone and introducing the session – be sure to include the virtual participants and regularly look into the camera at the back of the room when addressing virtual speakers or delegates.
All chairpersons who participate also agree to abide by the code of conduct outlined here.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lectus neque, laoreet nec sapien in, laoreet iaculis justo. Vestibulum ullamcorper nisi arcu, at blandit ligula egestas sit amet. Phasellus sed volutpat est. Suspendisse dignissim, diam ac maximus interdum, erat massa semper felis, vel vulputate magna leo vitae erat. Mauris a sodales augue. Nunc vitae convallis orci. Maecenas sapien elit, rutrum non elit ac, vestibulum sodales massa. Donec in lorem nulla. Suspendisse vitae odio tellus. Ut non ligula ac tortor pharetra porttitor nec nec neque. Nulla vestibulum venenatis condimentum. Ut sodales ac quam sed mollis. Donec a condimentum lectus. Quisque vel nibh placerat, hendrerit massa non, congue erat.
Ut finibus lorem id hendrerit eleifend. Cras dapibus vehicula efficitur. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce at blandit augue. Sed sed convallis ex, vel gravida elit. Proin auctor eleifend tincidunt. Sed rhoncus ut tortor sed aliquet. Nullam semper a lectus eu ultrices. Suspendisse vitae dui eget turpis sollicitudin ultricies quis sit amet nulla.
Introducing speakers
Who gets to ask the first question?
Time Keeping
If in doubt call it out
It can be very difficult to respond in the moment to inappropriate conduct. This can be due to shock, a natural reticence to avoid conflict or uncertainty about the interpretation of the conduct.
It involves moderating the behaviour of others, when we would prefer people self- regulate.
Be aware that “humour” is not an excuse for discriminatory or offensive behaviour.
Calling it out in the moment, with respect, is more effective than action taken later. A simple “that’s not ok” in the moment, may be all that is needed.
As a session chair, the congress convenors support you in calling out inappropriate conduct.
Outlined below is a resource that you may find useful: the RACS Operating with Respect course.
There is an expectation and an obligation to be accountable for our culture- if we allow, permit, aid, foster, encourage, reward or incite unacceptable behaviour, we are condoning such behaviour.
We all have a moral and professional obligation to do something to address instances of unacceptable behaviour. Ultimately, we want a culture where unacceptable behaviour is infrequent, where people speak up, where it’s ok to speak up, where it’s ok to acknowledge that we transgressed in our behaviour and where there is opportunity to amend our behaviour.
Ensure your approach is:
This information is for all digital poster presentations. These guidelines include instructions on how to prepare your digital presentation. There will be digital poster viewing stations available at the congress venue.
All posters will be visible for the duration of the congress, there is no set date/time for poster viewings.
Digital poster presentations must be submitted prior to the congress, please ensure you read the guidelines carefully.
The deadline to upload your presentation is: Friday 10 February 2023.
Before submitting your poster ensure the following:
Before uploading ensure the file is labelled:
last name_paper number_poster
Your paper number can be found on your notification letter.
It is recommended that all poster presenters use the official presentation template (see “Checklist”) when preparing their presentation.
This template is already in the 16:9 ratio for you.
Your digital poster should be a visual representation of your work and should have a maximum of two (2) slides.
To ensure that all submitted digital posters are of appropriate congress quality, all submissions will be quality checked. Should there be any inconsistencies your presentation will be returned to you.
Inconsistencies can include:
Your poster presentation will be available on the poster viewing stations for the duration of the congress. Attendees will be able to submit questions via the congress app.
We encourage you to regularly log into the congress app once the congress starts to check if any questions are submitted for you.
Program Manager c/o MCI Australia
For all questions and enquiries about abstracts, speakers and program information.
Space Industry Association of Australia (SIAA) acknowledges the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of the nation and the traditional custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work.
We welcome all cultures, all religions, all colours, all beliefs, all ages, all sizes, all types, all people.
We are continually improving the user experience for everyone and applying the relevant accessibility standards.
Please let us know if you encounter any problems with the accessibility of our site.
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